
Tag Archives of : Watkins Consultant

What Are The Requirements To Become a Watkins Consultant?

I’m so glad you asked, the requirements to become a Watkins Consultant are easy. Here’s what they are: You must be 18 years old or older. You must be a resident of the United States with a Tax ID/SSN or a resident of Canada. You must complete Watkins International...

Why Shop with a Watkins Consultant?

Why Shop with a Watkins Consultant?

Are you wondering, Why should I choose to shop with a Watkins Consultant?  There are a number of benefits to doing business with an Independent Consultant including receiving the type of service you want and extra privacy. Watkins understands the value of excellent service. Part of the value of...

How to Start Your Own Business with No Money

Many people want to start a Watkins business to make extra income but what if you don’t have any money to invest in getting started? No problem, if you are willing to invest your time and do a bit of work, you absolutely can do this. Here’s how to...

Looking For an Online Home Based Business Opportunity?

When I began my direct selling career I never in my wildest dreams, imagined it could or would become a successful online business. I loved doing home parties, getting out of the house, meeting new people and having fun. While party plan continues to be the best and most...