
Tag Archives of : Watkins Products

US Watkins Products Being Discontinued

The following Watkins products were discontinued in the US in 2013. I really hate sharing bad news as much as Watkins dislikes having to discontinue any of our wonderful products. We know that even a product that hasn’t sold as well as we’d like is still a favorite of...

Where Can I Buy Watkins Products?

Some of the most common questions I get asked are: “Where can I buy Watkins products?” “Can I place an order with you?” and “Can you help me find a local Watkins distributor?” Often the people who contact me have been Watkins customers for years, as were their parents and...

December 8th Last Order Date for Guaranteed Holiday Delivery

Everyone is so busy this time of year so here’s a quick reminder to order your Watkins products on or before December 8th to ensure delivery for Christmas. Simply call 1-866.456-4869 or visit the US Catalog or the Canadian Catalogue to place your order. Select your holiday items from...

Watkins Degreaser On Sale

If you love Watkins degreaser you will be very happy to know this product is on sale this month and you’ll save $2.00 per bottle! New to degreaser? Go here to learn more about all the uses for this versatile degreaser and cleaner. There is good reason why this...

Watkins Almond Extract And Lemon Extract Specials

Watkins popular 6 oz extracts have been so popular this year we are completely sold out! The good news is you can take advantage of specially priced almond extract and lemon extract in the 2 oz size. Almond Extract – US and Canada Watkins delightful almond flavor enhances a...